From iPad Teacher Ruth 高中英文 by Ruth Yeh

本學期最後一天上課, 當然要順便講一下寒假可以做些什麼來加強自己的英文啦! 為了替下學期鋪梗, 也是為了讓孩子們寒假的英文學習更有趣味些, 我就介紹了VideoNot.es這個可以和GD整合的看影片做筆記的雲端應用程式, 也再次推薦了TED, Khan Academy, 以及VoiceTube等等, 又因為VideoNot.es支援Cousera的影片連結, 所以也順便提了一下, 當然我也說, 這些網站大部分都比較學術些, 如果同學們要看生活化些, 或是娛樂性質高一點的影片, 只要是英文的, 都可以啊! 用這個服務便可以把你的影片筆記放在你的GD和為師的分享, 那你就可以加分啦! 除此之外, 當然我也鼓勵她們用手機或是平板做一些事, 如比用拼貼趣做Photo Diary, 或是Storytelling等等都可以啊! 當然她們也都可以發揮想像力做東西, 只要和英文有關, 或是用到英文的都可以啊! 且看過完寒假會有多少有心的孩子有東西呈現囉!
I told my students that they may watch English videos and then take notes using They can find all the YouTube links for videos on TED, Khan Academy, and VoiceTube, or they can use Cousera if they are curious about what the colleges around the world offer online. The only thing that they have to remember is to move their Video Notes to the folder that they share with me (the Video Notes are automatically generated in Google Drive). I also encourage them to do some small projects in English, such as keeping a photo diary using Pin Collage, or telling a story using the same app. I think it is quite ok that they just do whatever they find interesting as long as it is in English. So, let's see what I will get when the next semester begins.

by Ruth Yeh

from iPad Teacher Ruth 高中英文



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